The T-REX web server allows users to carry out several popular algorithms for inferring and validating phylogenetic trees and networks, and performing other related bioinformatics tasks.
The up-to-date web server version of T-REX includes:
- Methods for the visualization and interactive manipulation of phylogenetic trees (using Hierarchical, Radial and Axial types of drawing). For instance, the Newick Viewer application allows users to visualize a tree coded by its Newick string.
- Inference of phylogenetic trees using distance (NJ, BioNJ, UNJ, ADDTREE, MW, FITCH, Circular order reconstruction), parsimony (DNAPARS, PROTPARS, PARS, DOLLOP) and maximum likelihood (PHYML, DNAML, DNAMLK, PROML, PROMLK) -based approaches.